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With an instrumental virtuosity and unique vocal style, D'Gary has successfully brought the musical traditions of Madagascar to the international stage. His 1991 album, Malagasy Guitar/Music from Madagascar, was produced by American guitarists Henry Kaiser and David Lindley, and served as an introduction to his musical mastery. In a review of the album, Puncture, wrote "(This) is an album for guitar head who will be astonished by D'Gary's formidable technique and the heady whorl of music he can coax from his instrument". D'Gary has continued to garner acclaim with his subsequent work. His performance at the Festival Internationale in 1993 was released as Long Way Home the following year. His album, Horombe, recorded with his band, Jihe, showcased his talents as an arranger with the melodies of his open-tuned guitar skillfully balanced by texturally-rich orchestration.